“Prayer is not about begging but attuning yourself to God’s will.
All thoughts are prayers, manifesting within both your conscious and subconscious mind, whether you are aware of it or not.
Your outer life generally reflects your inner thoughts.
The extent of your faith determines how actively God’s presence manifests your prayers.
Prayer should be a vital part of daily life.
By asking, you receive.
You affirm that your goals and desires are already realized.
You are a world-class manifester, filled with boundless possibilities.
These guided Prayer Treatments will support you as you step into a new space of living, believing, and embracing life fully.
… And So It Is!
Welcome. I am grateful for your presence as you utilize these prayer treatments to achieve a higher level of consciousness.
This consciousness allows you to be one with the Universal God-mind, individualized in the God-Power-Presence that dwells within each of us.
In each prayer session, focus on creating a deeper connection with your higher consciousness, entering into a new realm of existence.
During each prayer treatment create a serene calm area space where you are comfortable and will not be disturbed as you delve into a deep state of prayer meditation for your personal health, wealth, Peace and joy.
Prayer Treatments for Health, Wealth and Peace and Joy
A Metaphysical Prayer Approach to Receiving Your Blessings.
Prayer Treatment for Psychic Connection
Prayer Treatment for Exploring the Beauty of Innocence