The Way
Life Unfolds.

Every episode of The Dr. Karina Felix Podcast explores the core principles of metaphysical science and teachings to integrate them into your daily life to achieve personal awareness, business success, and spiritual growth.

The most critical step in manifesting is Clarity of Purpose, which starts in the MIND!

Embark on a transformative journey with Dr. Karina Felix
as she guides you to unlock your highest potential and
elevate your spirit consciousness.

By tuning in to my weekly metaphysical teachings, you’ll gain the tools and insights needed to unlock your highest potential, allowing you to live with greater clarity, confidence, and purpose.

“As you Master your Mind, you Master your Life.”

Align with your true self, achieve your goals, and fulfill your deepest aspirations.

New episodes are released every Monday to start your week and Thursdays to get you through it.

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