Guiding You to Design
Your Dream Lifestyle.

“I help individuals at a crossroads
who struggle to reconnect
with their inner truth and desires,
bridging the gap between their
inner dreams and outer realities.

By aligning their thoughts, words,
and actions, I guide them from feeling
stuck and disconnected to manifesting
their dream lifestyle—a lifestyle that reflects
inner peace and ease and outer
manifestations of success and fulfillment.”

Dr Karina Felix

Metaphysical Science Educator & Lifestyle Transformation Coach


Dr. Karina G. Felix PhD

The Way Life Unfolds

Life has a way of unfolding as if it has its own opinion. It’s on its own path.

But that unfolding is not a coincidence. It’s not a planned destiny outside of yourself; it is a timeline you create during your unconscious state of mind when you are not focused or consciously aware with no “Clarity of Purpose.”

 When we are not fully aware of the ongoing chatter in our mind, we are silently creating a life we sometimes would not have chosen for ourselves.

     At some point, you’ll look back at your life and wonder why your life unfolded the way it did. Why did you not receive, experience, or accomplish certain dreams or ideas you thought should have manifested?

The underlying truth about manifesting is that it is a game in which you must fully commit to participating.

 The only one creating conflict or sabotaging your life is you. But you can turn that around. Today!

My Journey of Transformation

The Overachiever’s Dilemma

Hi, I’m Dr. Karina Felix. I am a metaphysician, transformation coach, and empty nester.

For most of my life, I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery, deeply attuned to my intuition and seeking alignment with my higher self. But like many overachievers, I often found myself stuck in my head, disconnected from my inner wisdom. I worked too much, too hard, and in too many directions at once.

Change after change came at me so fast I didn’t have time to process or reflect on them. Every time I relocated, I had to build new businesses, make new friends, adjust to the new places, and fit in while ensuring my children had a smooth transition in the process. Every transformation required me to adapt, forcing me to reinvent myself over and over. I kept pushing forward without pausing to reflect, without taking a breath, without acknowledging the toll it was taking on me.

When the Body Speaks—And You Ignore It

Gradually, my body began signaling that something wasn’t right.  A burning sensation started in my legs, as if I were sitting on fire. I couldn’t sit for more than a few seconds before having to jump up. But the sensation wouldn’t go away. It spread through my entire body- I felt like a furnace.

One particular moment stands out: traveling home to Aruba with my children. It was the longest three-hour flight of my life. I had to sit in what felt like a fire pit the entire way. I brushed it off as a pulled hamstring, maybe inflammation—after all, I was used to working through discomfort. I played it down. I told myself it was nothing.

But it wasn’t nothing. It was the first whisper of what was coming.

Loss, Grief, and the Breaking Point

In 2024, I experienced a profound loss—the passing of two people dear to me: my father and my college roommate, my best friend. I was devastated. I had always been the person offering comfort to others, but now I had to figure out how to console myself.

Everything in my life ground to a halt. I lost interest in my work. I lost interest in socializing. I lost interest in taking care of myself. Sleep became erratic, eating felt like a chore, and my usually active mind was drowning in sadness. My life no longer felt like my own.

I stopped functioning as the go-getter, always-on-the-move, always-smiling person that everyone knew me to be. I barricaded myself inside my home, not leaving for weeks at a time. I avoided people. I numbed myself with mindless television because I couldn’t bear to process my emotions.

I didn’t recognize it as depression. Instead, I justified it in a thousand different ways—I told myself I needed the rest, that I was just overwhelmed, that I would bounce back soon. But my body knew the truth.

The burning sensations worsened. Stiffness crept into my lower back. I couldn’t twist my waist without sharp pain. Then, one morning, I woke up with shooting pain radiating from my upper back.

When Pain Becomes Unbearable

I went to the doctor. They sent me to physical therapy. I followed their instructions, hoping that stretching and light exercises would fix the issue. But instead of improving, the pain intensified.

One night, I found myself sitting on the floor, crying—not just from the pain but from the sheer frustration of it all. I couldn’t find a single comfortable position to sit, stand, or lie down. The pain consumed me. I couldn’t think straight. I could barely function.

That was when I finally took myself to Urgent Care.

They gave me a muscle relaxant and a pain injection, then sent me for an MRI. That was when I finally received my diagnosis—spondylosis: A degenerative disease that affects the spine, causing chronic pain, muscle spasms, and nerve compression.

I thought that was bad enough—until my body delivered another terrifying message.

A slight tingle started in my upper back. Then, sharp, shooting pain shot down my left arm to my fingers. I could feel the heat, the pain, and the scariest part—the numbness. One day, I realized I couldn’t tear a simple piece of paper. Something so effortless, something even a child could do—was now impossible for me. That was when I panicked.

A visit to my chiropractor confirmed what I feared. He was deeply concerned about my cervical spine. He explained that if I didn’t take action immediately, the pinched nerves in my spine could cause permanent atrophy in my arms. I could lose function entirely.

That was my wake-up call.

The Awakening

As a metaphysician, I understood that the body doesn’t act in isolation. Pain isn’t just physical—it’s emotional, energetic, and spiritual. Our bodies store emotions, and when we suppress them, they manifest as illness. Our body is energy, and when that energy is blocked, it disrupts our entire biofield—what most people know as chakras. 

Somewhere along the way, I had disconnected from my own energy flow. Healing wasn’t just about addressing my physical symptoms—I had to address the deeper misalignment within.

My pain wasn’t just about my spine. It was about all the grief, stress, and unresolved emotions I had been carrying for years.

Around this time, I received a book about loss and grief. While reading it, I had an epiphany – we only think about grief when it’s related to death. But every change in life is a form of loss —good or bad— Promotions, marriage, divorce, childbirth, financial stability or instability, empty-nesting, aging. We celebrate new beginnings but rarely take time to mourn the versions of ourselves we leave behind.

We hear phrases like “Leave the past behind”, but that’s not how transformation works. If we don’t acknowledge and process our past, we become trapped between who we were and who we are becoming – The Transformation.

Reclaiming Desire

In a conversation with a friend, something clicked: we didn’t lose our direction; we lost our desire. The goals and dreams we once had may no longer fit who we are today. But we hesitate to move forward because we haven’t realized that our desires have evolved.

I needed to take a step back and reflect. I wrote down all the changes I had gone through and realized I hadn’t properly grieved many of them. We assume life changes are “normal,” so we don’t acknowledge their impact. But unresolved emotions don’t just disappear—they stay with us, weighing us down like ghosts from the past.

That realization changed everything for me.

Creating a New Roadmap

My years of stress and emotional suppression had manifested in my body. My intellectual knowledge wasn’t connecting with my emotional and physical needs. As an overachiever, I had kept pushing forward—until my body finally forced me to stop.

I knew I had to take control of my healing. I had to create a system for myself—one that integrated my mind, body, and spirit.

That was when a phrase came to me: “The Way Life Unfolds.”  The first thing I wrote was: “Life unfolds with or without your permission.” The Universe gives us what we put out within the feeling energetic force. If your desires and actions don’t align, you manifest a lifestyle created from your unconscious mind, which may not be what you truly want. Thoughts are energy, and if not directed on the right path, they will stray. We need to create a clear vision so that our inner desires translate into outer manifestation.

I started writing, allowing myself to grieve, to feel, and to stop pretending that everything was fine.

That’s when I created “Unfolding Your Lifestyle with Peace and Ease—The Lifestyle Tranformation Workbook”, the companion to my upcoming book, “The Way Life Unfolds—In Pursuit of Mind Mastery and Lifestyle Transformation.”

Your Life, Your System

People talk about work-life balance, but why separate them? Life is one whole experience. Instead of letting life unfold randomly, you need a Lifestyle Transformation System—a personal roadmap to navigate life with intention. Every aspect of your life -business, personal, spiritual -should be accessed as one whole lifestyle experience.

Without a system, you’re at the mercy of external circumstances, drifting aimlessly. But with a Lifestyle Transformation System, you can steer through any storm and reach your destination with clarity, purpose and intention.

Are You Ready to Break Free?

If any part of my journey resonates with you—if you’re feeling stuck, disconnected, or uncertain about your next steps—you don’t have to navigate this alone.

I invite you to schedule a Transformation Clarity Call with me. Together, we’ll uncover where you are, where you want to be, and create a roadmap for your transformation.

"The Way Life Unfolds with Dr Karina Felix

Subscribe and Listen to My Podcast -“The Way Life Unfolds with Dr. Karina Felix.

And so my story began . . . 

My Angel, My Teacher

My journey began as soon as I had any semblance of awareness. You see, I had a Guardian Angel at my side. My life experience always included a presence at my side. This presence, which I called my Guardian Angel, was my first teacher.

Early on, I learned that if I followed the guidance instructed to me, things usually flowed easily and smoothly. When I chose not to listen and let my ego self do as it pleases, the results were not good.

So, I became an obedient student and followed instructions as best as possible.

Having an angel guide gave me a sense of security and confidence that I took with me everywhere. My life choices and decisions were based on my Angel’s guidance. I even believed that everyone was having the same experience.

Somehow, I knew not to share this connection I had with anyone, not even my friends, let alone the adults in my life. Maybe some children may call it their imaginary friend, but I knew it was not just a friend; I knew it was an angel to protect me, and it protected me many times.

As a little girl I was known as a quiet, sweet, always smiling, didn’t fuss too much—the perfect little girl, seen but not heard. That’s the generation I came from. Children should be seen and not heard. So I learn to not share.

Somewhere in my early years, somewhere between 8 and 10. I was very young. I was sitting on the back porch, staring out at the sky. I started to imagine what the universe is. I stared into the sky and tried to imagine going out there and just going and going. I completely overwhelmed myself. 

I couldn’t understand in a world filled with fences, borders, and boundaries, I couldn’t grasp the concept of infinity, no end.

It was at that moment that I turned to God, Source, and the Universe and asked the one question each and every one of us will ask at some point.

Why? Why? How? What’s the meaning of this existence? What am I supposed to do while I’m here?

I couldn’t understand being born, growing old, and dying. What’s the use? Why? There had to be more to it. And I wanted answers. And I wanted them now.

And my Angel said: Not now. Not yet!

At that moment, I decided to make a pact with God. I said, “Dear God, I know you have a very important task for me to do while I’m here. Please, give me the strength, give me the health, give me the time so that YOU can manifest that through me.”

I was young. But I totally believed that.

That pact, and the reminders of it, came into play several times during my life. That reminder has surfaced so many times.

I’ve been in situations where I thought —  this was it. I’ve had a nice run. I remember saying – I CAN’T BELIEVE I’m going to die this young. I was 19.

My thoughts are of my poor mom—she’s going to be so sad—or of people close to me. I feel bad for them. At a moment like that, I’m more concerned about the people being left behind and how sad they will be.

You see when you are knocking on death’s door – and I’m only speaking from my own personal experience here—there is a sense of peace and calm that comes over you, that realization that “this is it.”

I have some miraculous stories that happened to me, but I will share them another time because they each deserve a moment of deeper reflection.

But during those moments, I’ll send a prayer of gratitude to God, and then I summon my Angel. I call my Angel to my side and ask it to keep me company as I transition into the next phase. Preferably without pain.  At that moment there is a sense of eerie peace, stillness, and quiet surrounds me, and I smile because I’m ready. I’m always ready. 

But for some miraculous reason, something changes, and I’m allowed to stick around a bit longer.
I come away from that experience with more gratitude and more trust and more acceptance.
So, when my life has been spared once again, I know that my pact with God has not yet been fulfilled.

So, I continue searching, reading, giving, sharing, and participating in life. I take every opportunity presented to me very seriously. I live life passionately. I accept it all the,— good or bad; it doesn’t matter. I knew they were all important, and I received them for the hidden lessons in each.

I’m not much of a complainer. I don’t keep grudges. I forgive and move on easily. I give the benefit of the doubt more than once. I see people for who they are, even if they don’t see it themselves. I see the hurt, trauma, and distrust, and I have to forgive them.

Like Jesus said: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

They have yet to realize why they are here and what they are supposed to do.


 I was waiting for the message that said, “Okay, Karina, this is what you will do.”

But guess what? That’s not how it showed up. My life experience IS the pact. That is the message. It’s my years of accumulating the necessary information, knowledge, and wisdom that have allowed me to start sharing here and build a community of like-minded partners eager to fulfill their Soul’s mission on Earth and beyond.

I’m all about aligning with your Soul’s Mission and achieving Self- & Mind Mastery so that you can live your best life, always–now and for eternity.

I hope our energies sync up and you feel comfortable connecting with me.

I’m here to be of service to you.