The Affidian Society is a supportive and nurturing community where members meet monthly to brainstorm ideas, share opportunities, and pursue their goals. This safe and collaborative space fosters encouragement, accountability, and meaningful connections, empowering members to achieve their dreams with the support of their tribe.

Your Basic Membership Includes these Amazing Features:

Share Your Membership Profile to Become a Basic Member of Affidian Society

Access to Select Member Events:
Connect, Collaborate, and Create Synergistic Alliances with People from Around the Globe through Monthly Events. ($45 Monthly Value)

Interact with Members organically
Organically Interact with Members, share Resources, Collaborate, and even acquire Potential New Clients. The Members Portal makes reaching out to any Member easy, ensuring others can easily find and Connect with You. ($75 Monthly Value)

On Demand Access:
Access to Guests Masterclasses for Women Entrepreneurs to Excel in Life & Business. ($99 Value)

Total Value: $219.
Yours Today for only $27 monthly

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